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TOOCAA L2 20W Diode Laser Module

Regular price $499.00
$499.00 >


20W Diode Laser Module
TOOCAA L2 20W Diode Laser Module


What are the shipping areas?

United States (most states)*, Canada, Australia, and Other Countries. For more information, please check here.

*Not yet available states in the US: Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Armed Force Pacific, Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Americas.

What kinds of materials does TOOCAA L2 cut & engrave?

Here are the types of materials it can typically cut and engrave:
Materials for Cutting:
Wood, Acrylic, Leather, Paper, Fabric, Rubber...
Materials for Engraving:
Wood, Acrylic, Leather, Glass, Stone, Metal, Plastic, Ceramic..

Which module should I choose, 10W or 20W?

If you are pursuing efficiency and have higher cutting requirements, please choose 20W; if you have no demand for efficiency and cutting capabilities, then 10W is suitable for you.

It is easy for new comers to use TOOCAA L2?

Certainly! TOOCAA L2 is the safest semi-enclosed diode laser cutting machine ever produced. This allows you to quickly produce and obtain high-definition works while ensuring absolute safety. TOOCAA L2 has humanized all-round protection. Not only adults, but also children can use it and it is safe.

Plus, we can solve any problem via (pre-sale) or (after-sale). The only thing you need to do is keep practicing and get handy along the way.

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